WARNING - This game contains blood/gore. Whilst it is portrayed in a cartoony fashion, it may/will not be suitable for all audiences.

"Eureka!" cried Doctor Thingumy as he realised his invention, the World's first ever 'UNIVERSAL UNDO BUTTON' was a success. "No-one need ever worry again about making mistakes as a press of my amazing button can flip back time just enough to try again, in any situation!"

As he jumped for joy he heard a wobble and a bump, some way off above him. Then came a sort of sliding sound. Falling doesn't really make a sound so the next moment was a silent one and that's the reason Doctor Thingumy didn't move. If he had he wouldn't have been crushed to a pulp by a humongous crate full of science stuff.

He wasn't entirely crushed, though. One hand was outstretched and survived - severed and now alone. An unlikely hero, you'd say. But four fingers and a thumb were more than enough to operate the UUB...


On my keyboard, using the SPACEBAR as the thumb button seems not to allow all five buttons to be depressed at once. It's fine if I use another key.

Doctor Thingumy's Undoing was made in just over a day for the Mini Jam #132. The theme was 'Severed' and the restriction was 'Multiple endings'.


Sounds from  Universal Sound FX

Background art by DALL-E





It's possible to 'thrust' through the air a little bit by making a 'rock' hand gesture. That's a tip just for those people that read to the bottom of the description page :D


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

doctor-thingumys-undoing-web-jam.zip 11 MB
Version 3
DrThingumy_0_2_Win64.zip 30 MB